On 6 January, we celebrate the Epiphany. On the occasion of this Christian holiday, Belgians like to eat the traditional Galette des Rois. Everyone knows that this delicious pastry contains a bean. And that the bean will make the person who finds it in the slice he or she eats the day's ruler. But few know that this tradition comes from ancient Rome.
The origins of the Galette des Rois
In ancient times, the Epiphany originated from pagan celebrations of light, as the etymology of the word indicates, from epi- "on" and phainein "to shine".
These celebrations begin at the time of the winter solstice, on 21 December, and herald the lengthening of the days and the rebirth of light, essential for agriculture, food and therefore, survival.
The Romans celebrated the Saturnalia during the week of the winter solstice. These festivals were organised in honour of the God Saturn.
Antoine-François Callet- The Saturnalia or Winter (Source)
During the festivities, the guests shared a cake containing a bean.
The Romans used it to designate a slave as "King for a day". This favoured the reversal of roles for a short time when the King could grant his wishes or even order his master to do so.
Because of its round, golden shape, the Galette des Rois can symbolise the sun.
The Christian Epiphany
Like others, this pagan custom is found in the Christian tradition.
The Epiphany celebrates the Messiah incarnate who is visited by the Three Wise Men, popularised around the 8th century as Melchior, Gaspard and Balthazar.
Matthias Stom - The Adoration of the Magi (Source)
Before the institution of Christmas on 25 December in the 4th century, Epiphany was the only major Christian festival celebrating Christ, and thus the rebirth of the sun after the winter solstice.
In Orthodox Christian Russia, Christmas is celebrated on the night of 6-7 January.
Since the Middle Ages, we have shared the Galette de Rois on Epiphany.
The Galette des Rois industry
Originally celebrated on 6 January, we can see that the tradition of the Galette des Rois starts earlier and earlier.
Indeed, this tradition is very popular with Belgians and supermarkets do not hesitate to offer it in their shelves before this date.
As a result, confectioners are seeing customers coming in asking for galettes before 6 January. And to prevent these customers from turning to the supermarkets, the pastry shops have also started offering their galettes earlier.
In the end, the most important thing is to enjoy a good galette des Rois, prepared with quality ingredients and real know-how.
The House of Wittamer, supplier to the Court
This is why GFI GOLD has joined forces with the Maison Wittamer, a well-known address located in the Grand Sablon in Brussels for several generations and official supplier to the Belgian Court.
The Maison Wittamer offers you its Galette des Rois made of "pure butter" puff pastry in the Pithiviers style and frangipane with unripe Faro almonds, accompanied by a Clamecy bean to collect and a pretty crown.
At GFI GOLD, we are gourmets and gourmands. We love the tradition of the Galette de Rois, good pastry and quality work.
So order your Galette des Rois from Wittamer between 6 and 15 January and you may be lucky enough to be the King or Queen of the day.
But not only that...
The King receives a gold bar!
Three of Wittamer's cakes will contain a very special bean!
If you find one of these three beans, congratulations!
You have just won a 10 gram gold bar that you can collect directly from GFI GOLD at 101, Rue du Midi - 1000 Brussels.
Good luck and above all, bon appetit!
The GFI Gold team
PS: Order your Maison Wittamer galette des rois between 6 and 15 January on this page, by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone on
+32 2 546 11 14, from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 6 pm.